Ransomware Readiness As Service

SECOPS24 evaluates & analyses your security against ransomware attacks. We pinpoint your gaps and provide a targeted roadmap to strengthen your defenses in detecting, mitigating, & preventing advanced ransomware attacks.

ransomware readiness as service

No other cyber threat has evolved into a more menacing force than ransomware attacks today. Rampant access to exploit toolkits, anonymous payment methods, and ransomware-as-a-service options has made it a chosen attack of choice.

Standard security configurations and practices must catch up  with the ever-evolving ransomware tactics. And in cybersecurity, falling behind is akin to losing ground & handing over control to those seeking to exploit vulnerabilities.

Defending against threats starts with understanding risks, assessing security, and bolstering defenses. Our Ransomware Readiness Service evaluates security practices, sheds light on vulnerabilities, and equips you with strategies to strengthen your defenses against ransomware attacks.

Ransomware Readiness As Service: Our Framework

Our Ransomware Readiness As a Service conducts thorough readiness assessments to evaluate and analyze your current security posture against ransomware. We analyze your readiness through the context of prevention, containment, and restoration phases to identify gaps in each aspect. Then, we provide recommendations to enhance ransomware readiness and improve security.



We locate and classify the business’s critical assets and perform  ransomware vulnerability assessments. By running all the risk scenarios, we identify the anti-malware controls in place, map them to specific assets, evaluate their applicability, and identify the gaps present.



We evaluate how effectively the current process controls are set to protect your assets from ransomware attacks. Data backups, mail & web protection, permissions, network segmentation, patch management, and other essential procedures are thoroughly assessed.



Through simulated attacks, our experts evaluate the detection and reporting capabilities of existing anti-malware software and tools. We analyze their speed, effectiveness, and timely reporting to the appropriate personnel.

rapid incident response


The business response to the simulated attacks is assessed through live exercises, tabletop walk-throughs of current IR plans, & evaluation of teams’ skill sets & coordination. The goal is to examine how well the business handles such attacks & identify areas for improvement.



Our experts test & assess the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) plans and their applicability with live exercises. BIA (Business Impact Assessments) documents are considered, backups are verified, and BC/DR solutions are evaluated for effectiveness

Know Your Risk, Fortify Your Defences, & Tame The Threats with SECOPS24

By comprehensively testing every element of security posture, our experts at SECOPS24 provide a detailed report on the current ransomware readiness posture, existing security gaps, and potential vulnerabilities present in the system.

Based on your targeted state of ransomware readiness, our product provides thorough recommendations for your organization to strengthen your ability to quickly detect, mitigate, & defend against evolving ransomware attacks. The deliverables for our Ransomware Readiness As Service include:

  • Executive Summary & Scope of the Work
  • Tailored Approach and Methodology
  • Detailed Reports on Vulnerabilities and security gaps
  • Opportunities, Recommendations & Best Practices
  • General Comments and Security Advice Conclusion

In addition to the above, our SECOPS24 can assist in creating your Incident Response playbook, provide Incident Response Retainer Services, and aid you with Business Continuity and Recovery Planning to help you remain resilient.

Let our Elite Team of Security Experts Super-charge Your Defences Against Ransomware Attacks.